Our history dates back to 1814, a time when King George III was on the throne and Wellington was preparing to defeat Napoleon at Waterloo. Auspicious times….but enough European history already!

The most important fact to remember about 1814 was that Jeremiah Colman took over a mustard manufacturing business and mustard in England was never to be the same again. With the zesty blend of high-quality brown mustard seeds (Brassica Juncea) and white mustard seeds (Sinapis Alba) grown and harvested locally around Norwich, Colman’s transcended to be much more than a condiment, it was a bold and spicy staple that captured the hearts and taste buds of a country. For nearly 200 years, we have delivered the finest quality, gourmet spicy mustard, from farm to table, with a fresh and fiery kick that speaks to our time-honored process of mustard making.